Sunday, December 5, 2010

Long time, no post


-I haven't posted in a while because I was relocating to ... [The Decision] ... Rhode Island. It's official.

-FYI: Just because someone has a Runner's World magazine on a plane does not mean they are a runner. Do not start off with "so you're a runner, too?..."

-10K in Newport this Sunday, which I will be able to go as a Soccer mom/ coach. Any one down to run with the team, hit us up. After 6 miles on the treadmill, I know this off-season is going to include lots of LSDs (long slow distances)

-Providence Cox half-marathon in May, 50 bucks. Mom's flying up and running it aka I am also now running it. Anyone else interested?

-Moving in has really left running out in the cold, so hopefully after this week, I can get settled in and begin training for the half.