Monday, December 6, 2010

Long time no post as well

I haven’t posted in a long time because I haven’t ran in a long time haha, since the half I ran once with Knapp, KOB, Tang and Sean and once last week for 3 miles. Seeing that the 10k is less than a week away I decided I better get my ass in gear, so I put in 6.5 yesterday, it went alright, pretty much how you’d expect a run to go when you haven’t run in a while, some ups and downs, I’ve got some work to do between now and Sunday. I’m planning on putting in 7 tonight, nothing on Tues or Weds due to my bball game then the Rhody bball game, Thurs picking it back up with 7 or 8, another 6 on Friday and resting on Saturday, will it work? Who knows haha, but the good thing is I’ve never run a 10k before so however I do it’ll be a PR.


  1. I haven't done much running either...I'm lame lol. I won't have too much time to train this week, so i think I'm just gonna take it easy with the 10k, and set the bar really low so I can smash it with the next one!

  2. hahaha i like the plan, that way you get a PR by default this week, then get to smash your old PR next time, double positive!
