Friday, April 29, 2011

minutes to miles 1-13.1

Packet pick-up with the rents down at the RI Convention Center promptly at 1 on Friday. The smell of race tech tees for the second year in a row is the antithesis of new shoe smell. Cox Rhode Races, your shirts smell. On a positive note, awesome design this year.

Goodie bags were filled with a tree trunk's worth of running fliers, Kevin's famous female Luna Bar sample, GUU gummies, and the bonus for signing up early? Hats, chap stick, water bottles, and long sleeve t-shirts/ long dresses since they are 2xL size.


Dear organizers,

2XL shirts for a half-marathon? Really?

Common Sense

Speaking of which, here's my laundry list of excuses/lack of common sense lined up for my "let's enjoy the race instead of PR"ing attitude:
1. Inhaling food the past month due to not running/ eating out more. Coming in at a buck sixty five instead of 160 lbs.
2. late nights (NBA Playoffs-induced)

1. most experience so far/ knowing I've done 15 miles and a half marathon before.
2. 4 months of 90+ miles going in
3. Home cooking: most of the course, I have run through many times (hence, laundry list item 1).

Game plan:
Easy first 6 miles, then go from there. Don't walk the race if my knees hold up. Running gods, keep my left foot and right knee functioning during and after the race.

This won't be my last half this year so there really is no PR pressure. Yet...

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