Thursday, March 31, 2011

15 Club, Troy Aikman, Sophomore Slump

Troy Aikman, sent via text from Mom, threw down a 1:49:47 in the Dallas Rock n Roll Half. Whether you love him or hate him (or don't watch sports/ are not American), my ultimate goal is to break 1:45 so for all intents and purposes. I will give you a breakdown:

Aaron Tang versus Troy Aikman :
Super Bowl losses: (0-0) Draw
Concussions: (0-10) I win, 1-0
described as a "mobile qb": (0-0), still 1-0
Pharmacy Degrees: (1-0) I win, 2-0

So yes, by these non-running metrics, you can see there's an ... OK chance of me beating him.

Fifteen miles:

As I sit with frozen vegetables on my knees for old times sake, I am proudly in the ultra half marathon distance club as I threw down an easy 15, joining Henderson and Knapp (sounds like a sweet law firm). Covering this distance and trying to keep some semblance of training, I am in awe of those that can run the marathon.


It seems as though the whole team has suffered a bit of a setback or a sophomore slump if you will in terms of mileage and verbiage. I wish I could dig us out of it but I am suffering a bit with trying to balance work and life. If someone has any suggestions, feel free to share.


  1. Well done sir, 15 miles is nothing to sneeze at! If you can run 15 theres no reason you can't run a marathon, you should put your name in for NYC, me and knapp just did it this week.

    Appoligies for the lack of posts haha, i havent written anything in a lonnnnnng time, I'll write a marathon recap. Cant believe we're under 2 weeks, all the big stuff is out of the way and its tapering time!

  2. btw since I got my GPS watch i've been tracking all my runs on the Garmin site, so that explains the lack of updates to my RunningAhead profile

  3. Hey it happens, the real world has really taken a lot of energy out of me from running or writing. Depending on how this half goes, I may join you guys in NY. Can't wait to read all about Boston for sure.
