Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aaron's Day Off or TCOB Day

Skate Park in NP:

On Gentian:

Can't see it clearly, but there's a port-a-potty at the top of that construction site

Providence College:

Mature Brown Kids + URI alum photographer =

Since I had to take my high school car in to de-pot hole it (thanks, Providence "streets"), I thought "let's kill two birds with one stone" and run along Mineral Spring, the Bald Hill Rd of North Providence.

random thoughts:

It was A day so I decided to visit the neighborhood pharmacist/resident tights enthusiast, Kevin O'Brien at work.

Mineral Spring is a hill. Both ways.

There's a skate park in North Prov fyi.

I ran down a random street and out pops Providence College. Across the street was a bag piped protest with signs exclaiming "honk if you believe marriage is 1 man and 1 woman". My thought is, what are you doing Tuesday at 12:00 PM? Shouldn't you be at work?

I'm not here to talk politics or sway people one way or another but does this convert people's viewpoints? I wouldn't become a Spurs fan if I saw a sign about honking for them; in fact I would be more adamantly against the San Antonio Spurs.

Buying some food at Shaw's down a recently discovered back road thanks to the run, I bought some coconut water. Skeptically, I drank it since I heard it rehydrates better than water. What caught me off guard was the bits of coconut (that's how you know it's good). This could be my new fad along with the falafels and baba ghanouj.

On my 37th pair of convenience store headphones and the question has to be asked: music or no music for the half?

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