Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Trip Down Memory Lane

This weekend had flashbacks of the past, with the Blessing race running through the old URI stomping grounds and Sunday's Cumberland run through the Cherry Blossom half path.

The run Sunday had us dropping like flies as KOB was recovering from the night before, Knapp hit a couple miles before the night before settled in, and my knee said not today with Pat left to baby sit me for the end of July (as well as the beginning, weird), walking back in the heat. While we were running the trail, it was nice to see the path that we used for the half marathon. What wasn't nice was the lack of shade towards the end.

Leaving Ashton Mills, Pat and I found this so to finish out the college-like weekend, it's now sitting in my apartment. I hope the thing doesn't steal my soul or take pictures from the future a la Goosebumps or the Twilight Zone.

And to round it all out in throwback mode, I had to hit 100 miles for the month (albeit the weirdest way to a 100 month if you check my log) due to my OCDness and ran the 3.1 mile out and back to Wild Colonial Pub. What was odd was half of the run was painted with a green line that followed the exact path (maybe from Waterfire over the weekend?). I also managed to see that there was a house music street festival. Mind you it's Sunday night, 9:30 pm.

LunaRacers+ bought; 25% off road runner. FYI, if you sign up for their VIP program, it's 1 dollar the first year. They auto-charge you 25 bucks the next year so be wary of that.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blessing of the Fleet Race Report

Blessing of the Fleet Eve
I am trying to look at pre-race preparation as another goal. I made sure to get as much sleep as possible the week of (average 9 hours/night), have all my gear ready, iPod charged, and obviously Kara Goucher and Without Limits queued in my Youtube tab. Pasta the night before. Everything that I'd want to optimize race time. There was this one tiny issue; 2 weeks of riding the pine since my knee and lower back decided, "Tang, 1:20? Fahhgedaboudit". (Apparently my body is also Italian)

Blessing of the Fleet
Since the crew of Danato, Jess, and I worked the day of, our car pool didn't hit I-95 traffic until 4pm with a race time of 6pm. The good news was the weather was 10 degrees cooler than what I expected, settling in to the mid 70s with drizzle. Despite the lights of South County, we managed to arrive at 5:15 just in time to mark our territory in the woods as being a male proves an advantage in that aspect. That put the kibosh on coconut flavored coffee sending me in to 6-year old me, dancing around cross-legged while waiting in line for the portapotties.

Jess and Dr. Estus had to wait in the obscene line that snaked through the parking lot. Meanwhile, I'm parked underneath a speaker that's pumping "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and Danato, today's quote machine, noticed that there was surprisingly a lack of runners wearing Blessing shirts, the ultimate runner's faux pas.

Danato and I waited until the last 10 minutes to see if they were going to join us but the time had come.

The race officials must have wanted to get us out of there early as we heard the familiar gun shot about 7 minutes before 6pm.

And we were off to the usual crawling pace as the immediate left turn on to the course narrowed to two lanes. Now in any other circumstance, I would have loved this but the first mile or so I was boxed in by 6 girls as I tried to ride the sidewalk with Danato to avoid weaving through the crowd. We stayed together through roughly the first 3 miles at a bit over 8 minute pace. At this point, I knew this wouldn't be 1:20 and under with an intact back so I told him if he goes, leave me behind. I caught up to Jess at this point and went along my merry way. Further along, I passed by Sri's old place and remembered that in my younger days, I was planning on running there and back for 10-11 miles a long time ago when we lived in Bonnet.

Due to the possibility of rain, I didn't feel comfortable breaking the Shuffle out which I definitely needed to zone out today. The fact that the front end of my shoulders were getting sore meant I had to down shift my gear.

The turn in to the woods was a nice break as it was less humid and cooler than Ocean Road. I saw the building where a pre-pharm Tang in the rain promoted voting Yes on getting the new pharmacy building (Vote Yes on 2?) and then we popped out on to 108. Somewhere along the way people were handing out bags of ice.

Yea, bags of ice.

But beggars can't be choosers (apparent by every pit stop at every water station to swish, spit, shower and repeat) so I took that and applied to the lower back.

The long stretch of 108 left me a lot of time to think, yea this is me positive splitting. We then turned back in to the woods as I tried to tangent my way as much as possible seeing as how my lack of training wasn't going to make up for it. I kept thinking, get to mile 8 then turn the speed up as I was still within my 1:20 goal.

We started to see more crowd support in this neighborhood (and even a PBR/ Miller Lite water station). Around mile 8, who do I see?

Mr. Hartnett handing off water to none other than Eamonn's sister. My pride, despite my back, was on the line so I caught up and asked where ol' Eamer was and in air quotes, I got "he's working". Towards the last two miles, I knew I had to run 7 minute pace for a shot at 1:20 which wasn't happening so I slowed up to avoid blowing up. What didn't help were the false mile markers made infamous by some of the crowd. "Only x miles left". Erroneous. Erroneous on all counts.

The walkers took off an hour ahead of us so towards the end, you'd get these roving obstacle courses made of walking walls of women 5 wide in one lane traffic. Since I am not a walker I can be insensitive in saying this but could you possibly go single file? Same with people in the hallways at work, but I digress.

There was someone in the crowd handing out tiny USA flags the last half mile and following the race mantra of "beggars can't be choosers", I took it and held it high. I couldn't just jog it in with Old Glory. Due to the random wrong mile shouting going on, I wanted visual confirmation of the finish line before I could sprint waving the flag in what I hope was caught on film. Future motivational poster candidate for sure.

Danato spotted me as I went through my usual post-race pseudo-dry heave. I think I could run blindfolded and ear muffed and still know where the finish line was based on my Jedi gag reflexes.

In my best Charlie Murphy impression after basketball in the Prince skit, the race served us hot dogs.

Hot dogs. Who is in charge of food?

Also spotted at the end, a Jersey Shore faithful with a blow out. I give you credit for keeping that up the whole race random Guido dude.

Jess and Dr. Estus (aka the mayor of the Blessing) both creamed last year's times.

After a while at the finish chute, we walked towards the shuttle stop near the old Narragansett Casino/ Coast Guard House as I got a free shower thanks to the fire engine. Let me tell you, the school bus we got on reeked thanks to the ten miles x 60+ runners.

I got to talk to a fellow runner who is going to run the Providence half next week with a cousin from the Woodlands/ Houston and the only reason I mention this is I feel every time someone has a relative or knows someone from Texas up here, that is where they are from.

Since we arrived later and parked in the auxiliary parking lot, we were dropped off a ways away from the car. Jess, 'the glass is half full' girl, said we will hopefully miss traffic and we definitely did as we walked around for 20 minutes.

quote of the day:
'I'm going to do awful things to my foam roller.'

Post-race, my hammies are sore so that tells me I definitely was undertrained for this. Shaved head > mane for racing. Sorry, Pre. The jury's still out on PM racing. I'll have to reconvene on this topic once I get back in to race shape.

Despite all the negative aspects I brought up, all in all I was happy for what was somewhere between a training run and race pace in terms of effort. The course was mostly flat and the crowd support helped towards the end. Running around our old stomping grounds definitely helped me feel better. 3 out of 3 on the PR front ain't bad either.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Blessing of the Fleet Week

-Glad to see residencies have decided to return two runners back to the team. Brian splashed his way on to the blog, and via phone Sri sounds like she's geared up for her first half in Miami.

-Team's rocking 2 returning runners from last year and a rookie Blessing runner. Since most of my miles have come in the form of treadmill mileage (from the same guy who loathes them), I am hoping for a decent time.

-One of the x-factors for getting a decent time, weather, is being watched as excitedly as the stock market. Keep dropping, Friday's high temp.

-Due to some nagging issues in my back and knee, my 1:20 or less dream for the race may just have to be replaced by just finishing.

frozen vegetables for my lower back + belt = ice belt
yoga/ back stretches

-Packet Pick-Up
Saturday, I took a nice drive down to the south side of Rhody, with memories and flashbacks of my roots at URI. Never having gone to Narragansett High School, I was shocked to see it is a left right before New Dragon/Exxon/ O'Neil's Package Store. After the fiasco of Cherry Blossom's tech shirt, I was pleasantly surprised at the Blessing's shirt (especially since I google'd Blessing of the Fleet shirt and found our site). Finally, another shirt to add to the rotation. I'm also told this is the first year they used tech shirts. No bags or swag, just a shirt and a bib number with a weird foam tag/chip timer.

-Post-Blessing, I am going to try to add some muscle in between that race and the half in October. What does that mean? Lifting things up, then putting them down. And ingesting tons of cottage cheese.
Why? To discourage everyone at work from confusing me with a girl at work and for a brocation. In the immortal words of Eamer, VEGAS BODY.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Running Thoughts

Blessing of the Fleet t minus 1 week. To get an idea of what shirt I get this time (thanks to Cherry Blossom's new undershirt), I googled ' blessing of the fleet running pics'. Check out the 2nd row of page 3 for images.

While running through Cumberland and Blackstone, Knapp and I collaborated on a beach/run/picnic day at Goddard Park for the 30th this month. Brainstorming it but if you are interested, hit us up.

Fuel for the run:
I have been on an omelette burrito diet. 2 eggs, vegetables, olive oil, salsa, and two tortillas. The secret? My uncle taught me to throw the tortillas on the stove top at low heat.

I have been getting in to more electronic/techno music for my runs:

in the buds:

Coincidentally, artists brought to you by the letter 'D'.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week in Review

treadmill-ing, I noticed some things:
-why do people grasp the front of the treadmill when they are walking with a steep incline? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? I think I am gonna term that "frankenstein-ing" due to the awkward gait and hands held out in front. Of course we all know it's Frankenstein's monster that does that, but it just isn't as catchy as "frankenstein's monster-ing".

-iPods are great but if you are clobbering the treadmill with your stampeding, your knees and my peace of mind crumble with each step. Here's a news flash; if you sound like a horse on a treadmill, SLOW DOWN.

-Sunglasses at a gym. The only non-Jersey Shore reason for this is if you just had laser surgery on your eyes.

-Be wary of your own forearm sweat. The front of the treadmill will look like it has been raining so be mindful of that.

Even if you mention you run every once in a while in work environments (say a water cooler), you may be fished for advice. While I pointed out that people starting out should run as slow as they can, I realized it is worth reiterating to you guys as well to stave off injury.

I think I'll give the Blessing a go for my first 10 mile race. We'll see how this race goes.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Miami Update

In case you didn't get the memo, (thanks Pat) if you sign up for the Miami Marathon, watch out for an charge for 59 dollars. De-activate that asap (unless you like

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Boston Tour

Naturally, my first run through Boston featured none other than Pat in tour guide mode. In 10 miles, we saw:
Neighborhood diamond with all the Red Sox retired numbers painted on
Cruiseport Boston
Ran by the Prudential Building, Hancock Center
Ran thru Faneuil Hall with a free mid-run chicken on a toothpick
Bobby Orr's statue in front of the Garden
the Charles River
Boston Pops' set up for the 3rd-4th
Ran on Boylston
the finish line for the marathon
some Tango store
Posada-Jeter sighting place
my embassy, China Town

and finally, in an effort to be like Pat (and Knapp), I have buzzed off the mane and am now 58% more aerodynamic.