Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week in Review

treadmill-ing, I noticed some things:
-why do people grasp the front of the treadmill when they are walking with a steep incline? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? I think I am gonna term that "frankenstein-ing" due to the awkward gait and hands held out in front. Of course we all know it's Frankenstein's monster that does that, but it just isn't as catchy as "frankenstein's monster-ing".

-iPods are great but if you are clobbering the treadmill with your stampeding, your knees and my peace of mind crumble with each step. Here's a news flash; if you sound like a horse on a treadmill, SLOW DOWN.

-Sunglasses at a gym. The only non-Jersey Shore reason for this is if you just had laser surgery on your eyes.

-Be wary of your own forearm sweat. The front of the treadmill will look like it has been raining so be mindful of that.

Even if you mention you run every once in a while in work environments (say a water cooler), you may be fished for advice. While I pointed out that people starting out should run as slow as they can, I realized it is worth reiterating to you guys as well to stave off injury.

I think I'll give the Blessing a go for my first 10 mile race. We'll see how this race goes.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha frankenstein-ing it, classic, people always do that!
