Monday, July 25, 2011

Blessing of the Fleet Week

-Glad to see residencies have decided to return two runners back to the team. Brian splashed his way on to the blog, and via phone Sri sounds like she's geared up for her first half in Miami.

-Team's rocking 2 returning runners from last year and a rookie Blessing runner. Since most of my miles have come in the form of treadmill mileage (from the same guy who loathes them), I am hoping for a decent time.

-One of the x-factors for getting a decent time, weather, is being watched as excitedly as the stock market. Keep dropping, Friday's high temp.

-Due to some nagging issues in my back and knee, my 1:20 or less dream for the race may just have to be replaced by just finishing.

frozen vegetables for my lower back + belt = ice belt
yoga/ back stretches

-Packet Pick-Up
Saturday, I took a nice drive down to the south side of Rhody, with memories and flashbacks of my roots at URI. Never having gone to Narragansett High School, I was shocked to see it is a left right before New Dragon/Exxon/ O'Neil's Package Store. After the fiasco of Cherry Blossom's tech shirt, I was pleasantly surprised at the Blessing's shirt (especially since I google'd Blessing of the Fleet shirt and found our site). Finally, another shirt to add to the rotation. I'm also told this is the first year they used tech shirts. No bags or swag, just a shirt and a bib number with a weird foam tag/chip timer.

-Post-Blessing, I am going to try to add some muscle in between that race and the half in October. What does that mean? Lifting things up, then putting them down. And ingesting tons of cottage cheese.
Why? To discourage everyone at work from confusing me with a girl at work and for a brocation. In the immortal words of Eamer, VEGAS BODY.

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