Sunday, December 4, 2011

19 miles, 4 strong, and the 6 million dollar man

Four runners (Sri, Nikki, Knapp, myself) took on 48 miles AND several feet of Subway subs with a trip to Seabra Supermarket. Like the Commodores sang, it's Easy like Sunday Morning.

The 19 miler, 2 more than the 17 miler last weekend, was today's challenge. I also rolled out for the very first time the Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch, (thanks rents) on my left wrist and a back up watch on my right wrist because there's no way I am starting over on a 19 miler due to technical difficulties. With iPod in tow, I felt like the 6 Million Dollar Man minus the sweet sound effects. At the very least, a runner from the future (if it was the 1960s).

I pulled pacing duty earlier in the week for Knapp so Knapp and I ran the first 9 together at a good clip around 9:45, then the last 10 went from 9:30 to running the last four miles around 8:30 with a finishing 8:19 19th mile. Why? Wind of KOB's 16 miler at 9:20 pace, wanting to hit the proverbial and physical wall to get a feel for it before the race, high fives from Sri and Nikki on the second leg of my run, and just great weather.

I couldn't intentionally slow my pace (this is in no way a front-handed Dean Karnazes self congratulatory pat on the back) so I guess in the words of Ice Cube, today was a good day. And that is how I squeeze in multiple cultural references in one entry.

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