Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Home Stretch(er)

No it's not stretcher bad, but I have been sidelined by a little injury.  I tweaked my Achilles last Tuesday at the end of a 10 miler which was not the best timing since I was to do the big 22 mile run on Saturday, after a few days of icing and resting it felt better, but I could still feel it so I skipped the 22 on Saturday, which was the best running day of the winter, 52 and sunny.

I gave it a go last night and after 4.5 I had to stop, the pain wasn't bad enough to make me stop but the fact that there was pain made me not want to push it further.  It looks like my 22 won't happen this Saturday either (or ever at this point as we're 18 days away from the big day).  Hopefully some rest/ice/exercises will get it ready to hold up for approx. 3 hours and 35 min on Jan 29th.

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