Thursday, January 19, 2012

Training Montage Is Almost Over

As the months have dwindled down to weeks and now down to a week to go, it's finally upon us. Miami Marathon (and half marathon) time is upon us. Training has kept me focused on the day-to-day but now, I can see the end and the big picture; the 26.2 mile race.

So what is the plan? After hitting most of my training runs, I am going to set up 3 goals (with an extra goal from a non-running friend):

"A" goal: sub 4:oo
"B" goal: 4:00-4:30
"C" goal: finish

extra goal: don't poop myself (literally and not literally) and avoid poop from other runners. Anecdotally speaking, of course.

After finding out I'd be separated from the other 3 marathoners on our team seeing as I am in Corral E and I'm sandwiched between D (Pat and Kevin) and F (Knapp), it's going to be even more important that I bring my GPS watch to pace at 9:15 pace half way through, 8:45 pace until mile 20, then hopefully kicking it up the last 10k. Marathon running playlist, time to make you. Thanks to being too lazy to go to Rhode Runner to buy Gu Chomps of Gu just, I am now trained to eat granola bars mid-long run from my car.

Now, whether that happens is going to be based heavily on rest and weather. Oh, and running that distance for the first time.

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