Monday, July 30, 2012

NK 5K and Training Mindset

North Kingstown 5k Sept 8th

5 weeks from the 5k...sign up now!

So day 1 of training (and more entries in the past week than the last 3 months), I am going to try to get as much rest as possible aka not going out late, eating healthy, and keeping hydrated. The training that I did last year will have to be done smarter as it appears I was supposed to run at race pace then run long back to back which I barely ever did. And working out my core. I know what I have to do, now time to execute consecutively for 16 weeks...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

12 before it begins again

With a renewed sense of running, Knapp and I went out to Blackstone to throw down a long run after a healthy dinner of salmon burgers and chicken sausage (what's happened to our diets?). Swimming through today was interesting since the humidity was at 100% soak. The lungs were filled with fluid for sure.
After valiantly running 9, Knapp ran in to Mr. GI. The final 1.5, a tie-dyed kid blew past me. There's no way I could say to the kid I just ran 10.5 beforehand, so I decided to follow the pace and then turn it on the last mile down to 7:15 pace. Would've passed if not for the fact it would look pretty dick-ish to do so.

Day 1 to 26.2 starts tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Why do we fall, Master Wayne? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."

I think I am fully back to being ready to train for my 2nd marathon. The past couple of months, life kind of forced this blog and running to the back seat. Tonight, I felt a bit tired after work and felt like lounging and surfing the TV waves until 9 which is when I decided to hit the pavement. Determined to just hit 5 miles, I made the choice to do 10 miles after mile 2.

I never realized how many runners there are at night and how dead downtown is.

If I had one of those 'injury free at the workplace' signs, I'd have to erase the year and a half streak after tripping near Chez Pascal. Providence sidewalks-potholes-canyons and running at night do not mix.

I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss long runs. I haven't run this far in...since I got broken in with the med student/Brown run group.

We'll see if I can pick myself back up and break 4 this time around.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Back from break

In case you haven't seen me in a week, I am back on the campaign trail to 26.2 in Philly. Why? Somewhere between med students kicking my butt on an easy 5 and sprinting from the Charles River to Back Bay Station in the pouring rain on the fourth, that extra motivation kicked in. Running through a crowded Waterfire crowd before third shift nailed it home as I mocked a kid trying to mock me via the stop light stand and jog (which I don't do).