Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Why do we fall, Master Wayne? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."

I think I am fully back to being ready to train for my 2nd marathon. The past couple of months, life kind of forced this blog and running to the back seat. Tonight, I felt a bit tired after work and felt like lounging and surfing the TV waves until 9 which is when I decided to hit the pavement. Determined to just hit 5 miles, I made the choice to do 10 miles after mile 2.

I never realized how many runners there are at night and how dead downtown is.

If I had one of those 'injury free at the workplace' signs, I'd have to erase the year and a half streak after tripping near Chez Pascal. Providence sidewalks-potholes-canyons and running at night do not mix.

I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss long runs. I haven't run this far in...since I got broken in with the med student/Brown run group.

We'll see if I can pick myself back up and break 4 this time around.

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