Sunday, July 29, 2012

12 before it begins again

With a renewed sense of running, Knapp and I went out to Blackstone to throw down a long run after a healthy dinner of salmon burgers and chicken sausage (what's happened to our diets?). Swimming through today was interesting since the humidity was at 100% soak. The lungs were filled with fluid for sure.
After valiantly running 9, Knapp ran in to Mr. GI. The final 1.5, a tie-dyed kid blew past me. There's no way I could say to the kid I just ran 10.5 beforehand, so I decided to follow the pace and then turn it on the last mile down to 7:15 pace. Would've passed if not for the fact it would look pretty dick-ish to do so.

Day 1 to 26.2 starts tomorrow.

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