Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Locked, Stocked, and 1 smoking Running shirt

Shirts, schedules, sales

Hopefully I am not stealing Knapp's thunder but during the 5 miler we did on East Bay, the itinerary looks to be already paved by Knapp:

Cherry Tree Half Marathon May 21st
Matty's 5k
Blessing of the Fleet 10 miler
Rock n Roll Half in August
October Half
Miami Half/ Full in January

Definitely feeling pumped after the long winter hiatus.

After the high I experienced from a Mavs victory Monday night, I locked down a gym membership, iPod shuffle via reward points, and the Cherry Tree Half Marathon on May 21st (while on call...).


  1. These shirts are flying off the shelves, I believe after Jess gets heres that'll be 9 already, we gotta find a race that the whole team can do together in uniform haha.

    sweet schedule

    welcome to the rest of the world with the shuffle

  2. haha thanks Pat, next I'll be buying an iPhone and using the internet and facebook. This half coming up may have as many as 6 of us.
