Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trending Now

No Shoes, No Shirts, No Service

As I entered my newfound neighborhood gym, I was shocked at the obscene amount of Vibram Five Fingers and Nike Frees being worn all around me. The barefoot movement has swept the nation (at least the part that is active). Anyone that knows me knows that I will have to move on to the next far out trend. I can't be mainstream.

Congratulations to fashion merchant Pat Henderson on designing the team t-shirt for the upcoming half marathon race. I remember having this discussion about a team t-shirt with Pat post-Cox half marathon and thinking this'll pop up in a couple weeks. Not for the fastest runner on the team. Hours later, the design was up and running (pun intended) and we can now at least look like a running team, as ridiculous as that may sound to race organizers and legit teams.

Since it seems most of my posts make me out to be a hypochondriac, I am happy to report this weekend's 10 miler with Knapp on the Cumberland bike path was excellent and the next chance I get, I'll lug along my phone and snag a couple pictures of a nice break from the city.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tang, they're flying off the shelves, everyone has got at least one, some people got multiple shirts, I'd say we're over 20 TRC shirts sold, goes to show you, the name Tang moves shirts.
