Friday, May 6, 2011

Summer/Fall Running Schedule

After finishing the COX half marathon, I realized that I was not signed up for anything else yet. As soon as I was able to get to a computer, I began planning out my running schedule for the season. When I started running, I made a personal goal of completing a marathon by the time I was 26 (26 miles by the age of 26). I think that goal is going to come early and I am hoping to achieve it at the age of 25. Last October, I ran the Newport Half-Marathon. I thought it would be a nice goal for me to do the full marathon the following year. The end of the race season will be me almost dying at the end of the Newport full marathon. I'm okay with that. I know I can do it! I decided to register for it, so that I HAD to start training for it. No exceptions. Here goes nothing.

I only signed up for 4 races so far, but I'm sure I will be adding more as the season continues. Compared to the active members of the TRC, I'm sure I have a similar running schedule but I'm going to list it anyway.

**Blackstone Half - May 21st
**Old Port 5k in Portland, ME - July 24th (Danato is doing the half... I'm super jealous, but I'm doing the 5k to support a friend who is just getting back on the running wagon)
**Narragansett Blessing of the Fleet 10-miler - July 29th
**Newport Full Marathon - October 15th

Based on my performance on the Providence Half, I decided last minute that I would do the Blackstone Half-Marathon in Pawtucket coming up in a couple weeks. I am really excited, especially for the possibility of wearing a team shirt created by Pat! Awesome job! Can't wait to see it when I get it in the mail.

I've already started my 28-week training program for the marathon. I have it set to beginner. The mileage per week seems reasonable and with my new work schedule in RI, I think I will definitely be able to manage the longer distances this summer. I'm excited to be living back in RI and being able to expand my running "scenery". I just love the East Bay Bike Path and hopefully I can get in some scenic runs by traveling down to Narragansett on occasions. I know the Cranston/Providence area pretty well and I am excited that I will be able to run where there are actual sidewalks :-) The Palmer, MA area really is a crappy place for avid runners...


  1. Wakefield bike path is pretty nice, Nikki knows where to park for that trail. East Bay is the nicest I've seen so far but I can see a ton of cyclists over there.

  2. We'll have a whole crew rockin the TRC shirts for that half, so pumped!
