Saturday, February 5, 2011

Machismo, Chicks, Seinfeld, Movies, TV, and Surfing

I stopped mid-run to camera phone this:

This long run was not as insane as the last one.

Only things of note:
Due to the massive and numerous puddles, I had to skip them with hands high a la George Costanza more than once. I found tippy toeing puddles works, except for that one puddle that doubles as a pool. Oh, and the side walks that doubled as impromptu ice rinks.

Since it was my long run, I kicked it in to cruise mode. As I was warming up during my 10 miler and rounding Blackstone Park, I hear foot steps and loud panting. The first generation of running Tang would have tried racing this upstart but the semi-peaceful runner realized this heavy breathing meant he'd die off soon enough. Ding ding ding, like clockwork the runner ran for 2 minutes to a car as I started my 10 miler.

Being slower does have its positives. As I brainstormed places to go #1, a girl runner with Brown CC on her jacket passed me by. Today was a good run.

The usual runners were out in full force today as everyone ran into each other as we criss-crossed the streets of the east side of Providence.

New weekly high of 35 miles thanks to two long runs of 10 and 11 miles.

Other observations:

I caught Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II on HBO on demand. Classic. But those guys ate a bunch of crap. The first two minutes was a montage of people in New York eating pizza. This is not an exaggeration. No wonder why I was a big kid.

I also watched Parks and Recreation this week on demand. Rob Lowe's character, painted as a perfect person, has Vibram FiveFingers for "adventure racing". Another character says monkeys should wear these shoes. I agree.

I realize now with the weather the way it is, I feel like a surfer checking the surf reports for the perfect waves. 35-50 degrees, sun, no wind, and I am "stoked". They should have a puddle/ ice rink report.

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