Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Treadmill Trouble, Tagging, and TMI, Ten + 1 miles

Monday night's Providence run was brought to you by the letter 'T'.

Treadmill was broken (most likely due to my incessant use). I was not even feeling up for running but since I knew the impending storm was about to hit, I knew this would be my last time to tread around Providence.

Like most times after warming up, I just felt like running some more.

While waiting at all the traffic lights, I found a new way to kill time what with all the snow: tagging. I tried writing my name in the snow around Brown University (with my hand and not that other snow writing tool). I can see lots of confused Ivy Leaguers wondering who this 'Tang' madman is.

Headed up Gano, took a left at Waterman and ended up at Blackstone (my inner compass always leads me there no matter what). The only runners out there were definitely elite runners that would've walked my pace.

In eleven miles, I pretty much saw all of Providence and even overshot coming back home by popping out on to North Main, waaaaay past Whole Foods. Why eleven miles on a Monday night after work? The proverbial 'zone' found me.

filed under 'T' for TMI:
I have a leg length discrepancy; my left leg is shorter hence the hip/foot trouble.

and I put this on facebook but someone shouted "nice booty shorts" at me near the PPAC's Lion King night. So before I went ballistic (because I only go from mild mannered Bruce Banner to the Hulk when I run), I realized I am in Providence and that could have honestly been a come on than an insult. Either way, thanks?!?

133.9 miles for January. How? Easy miles and lots of them. At this rate, I can beat my SAT score for the year.


  1. Nice tang... I'm loving the posting activity as of late. I did a 13 miler on the treadmill today. BO-RING. Jesus I can't wait to get this bike path cleared off. I think for my next long run (besides the Florida one), I'll have to join you in Providence Tang.

    Did you really run 11 miles at night, outside? I am impressed Tang. You are mostly going to PR the crap out of races this year with your base.

  2. haha thanks man. I can't believe you did 13 on a treadmill. I am off Sunday if you want to do that for your long run.

    Yeah it was weird, I definitely planned to run just 5 but I really felt good. Partly because of the new gear.
