Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ICP (not intracranial pressure)/ holidays/ end of year 2

Welcome resolutionists for the next 2 weeks, give or take

To cross off the list of "Things I never want to experience again" (hello, Requiem for a Dream viewing), I ran next to some guy who:
1) prayed to the machine
2) hit various parts of it
3) jumped/ skipped every couple of minutes
4) shouted/ cursed around to everyone in the vicinity
5) either forgot to take something or was on something

Then, he galloped off the treadmill after an hour (because subconsciously he thought he could outlast me, wrong). It made sense when I saw what was on his sweatshirt.

Insane Clown Posse fan aka a Juggalo.

What's that, you ask? Here's a sample (NSFW). SNL spoofed this but in my mind how do you even spoof something that already is a spoof of the human race?

Then I have to wonder, why are you at a gym if you are high?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rollin on 20s

(map of run)

(mile marker 8)

An impromptu Class of 2010 reunion happened as Sean and Knapp ran 12 and Kevin and myself ran 20.

What I learned:
Chinese food, 6.5 hrs of sleep, and Guinness = not as fresh as my first 20.
post-run meal of J's Deli Pilgrim sub + Yoo-Hoo hits the spot.
Last 30 days, 200 miles. No wonder why I am more tired than usual at work.

GPS watch with HR monitor:
-if I run fast, my HR increases
-randomly had a HR of 185 @ mile 17.5

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's in the Ear Buds

With the recent jump in to the 21st century by myself, I figured I would try podcasts again as recommended by my fellow runners. I gave Adam Carolla, NPR, and Marathon Talk (episode 85 features Bart Yasso) a try.

good idea: running speed workouts.

great idea: Yasso 800s aka 10 X 800.

meta idea: Doing Yasso 800s with Bart Yasso on the iPod.

bad idea: running after eating a dinner featuring salmon.

All in all a good experiment but I may still be partial to my run playlist. Plus, I got to stick with what I've been doing for most of my training.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Training Notes

I read about a recent race in Vegas that got crappy reviews and I'm glad Knapp chose this one.

Running half a long run with people is so in. Saturday's 20 miler was split into an 8 with the Cumberland crew and 12 solo. The last 1/3 was spent around race pace.

Michael Scott was in search of the next golf course for business meetings. Chili's and an awesome blossom?

No sir, it's long runs. Long runs have been where I've been conducting business.

Stats geeks who may read this (fantasy baseball cough), I share your love of numbers now that I wear my HR monitor strap to and from runs.

While driving: 60s for my HR
post run: 70s

need to conduct more activities with said HR monitor/bra strap.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Training update

My marathon training has been very lack luster so far this year.  It started off strong, I put in 5 or 6 straight weeks of yasso workouts before training started then kicked off the training by putting an aggressive schedule together (compared to my previous years) and I was off.  I felt good minus the usual shin splints I get in the beginning of training every time.  Clocked in my first 2 10 mile runs at 7:39 and 7:37 pace respectively and I was feeling good.  Then I got busy, missed a run or two and got “sick”, not sick like oh I can’t do anything sick but just like eh I’m kinda run down, I don’t have much energy sick.  My pace for a 7 mile run last week was down to 8:08 and I had to really work hard for it, the legs weren’t there.  This Saturday I ran what I sought out to be 12 mile run, but it turned into a 7 miler at 8:10 pace then the gym cause yet again my legs weren’t there.

Greg, always concerned for my well being decided that it wasn’t safe for me to run at night (not much choice since its dark when I wake up and when I get home) like I’d been doing, even though I had a reflective vest that makes me look like a crossing guard, so he bought me some new gear.  This sweet Saucony jacket and matching hat.  The jacket is good stuff, comfortable, reflectors all around and even comes with a LED light that can blink or just be on with visibility up to 100 yards.  The hat is made out of some sweet material that keeps your head super warm, but doesn’t bottle up the sweat like the beanie I was using.  So I’m hoping this new gear (look good, feel good, feel good, run good) plus going to bed earlier every day will jumpstart what I’m looking at as Phase 2 of the marathon training: Get down to business.

Random thoughts from training thus far:
- The lights have been on at the track near me for soccer practices and football which made the yasso’s kinda cool running under the lights.  Well that season must be over because last week’s yasso was run in pitch darkness.  There were 3 other people running, all of whom I couldn’t see until they were about 2 feet away from me.  Running in the complete darkness is odd, its tough to pace yourself cause you cant really see how fast your going, but its oddly peaceful.

- I want to break the elusive 3:30 barrier this year, since I’ve never even broken 3:36 it shall be interesting

- 52 days till we fly down to Miami, insaneeeeeeeeee

- Tried to get Jrad and his girl in on the half marathon, no dice
- It’d be awesome to run a marathon in the fall so we can train in the summer when the weather is nice and the sun is actually up when we get home from work.  Why do they schedule all of these in the beginning of the year.  Chicago next time anyone?

- I’m very impressed with the RI crew’s training so far, already up to 19 miles, Sri and Nikki up to 10, well done everyone!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

19 miles, 4 strong, and the 6 million dollar man

Four runners (Sri, Nikki, Knapp, myself) took on 48 miles AND several feet of Subway subs with a trip to Seabra Supermarket. Like the Commodores sang, it's Easy like Sunday Morning.

The 19 miler, 2 more than the 17 miler last weekend, was today's challenge. I also rolled out for the very first time the Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch, (thanks rents) on my left wrist and a back up watch on my right wrist because there's no way I am starting over on a 19 miler due to technical difficulties. With iPod in tow, I felt like the 6 Million Dollar Man minus the sweet sound effects. At the very least, a runner from the future (if it was the 1960s).

I pulled pacing duty earlier in the week for Knapp so Knapp and I ran the first 9 together at a good clip around 9:45, then the last 10 went from 9:30 to running the last four miles around 8:30 with a finishing 8:19 19th mile. Why? Wind of KOB's 16 miler at 9:20 pace, wanting to hit the proverbial and physical wall to get a feel for it before the race, high fives from Sri and Nikki on the second leg of my run, and just great weather.

I couldn't intentionally slow my pace (this is in no way a front-handed Dean Karnazes self congratulatory pat on the back) so I guess in the words of Ice Cube, today was a good day. And that is how I squeeze in multiple cultural references in one entry.