Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ICP (not intracranial pressure)/ holidays/ end of year 2

Welcome resolutionists for the next 2 weeks, give or take

To cross off the list of "Things I never want to experience again" (hello, Requiem for a Dream viewing), I ran next to some guy who:
1) prayed to the machine
2) hit various parts of it
3) jumped/ skipped every couple of minutes
4) shouted/ cursed around to everyone in the vicinity
5) either forgot to take something or was on something

Then, he galloped off the treadmill after an hour (because subconsciously he thought he could outlast me, wrong). It made sense when I saw what was on his sweatshirt.

Insane Clown Posse fan aka a Juggalo.

What's that, you ask? Here's a sample (NSFW). SNL spoofed this but in my mind how do you even spoof something that already is a spoof of the human race?

Then I have to wonder, why are you at a gym if you are high?

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