Thursday, March 11, 2010

Training Report: Day 1 of Preparing for the Cox Rhode Races 5k on May 2nd, 2010.

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift". Steve Prefontaine

The beginning is a good place to start. So the name 'Tang Clan Running Club' was borne out of a cubicle at a certain large headquarter in Rhode Island although it is arbitrary as the real importance of this club is to get the most out of ourselves.

Goal: tackle the Cox Rhode Race 5k on May 2nd, 2010

1 day down, 51 more to go.

Plan: couch 2 5k

Who ran today?
Sri-V S (1.5 mi)
Bobby Jenks aka Robert Jenks aka Jesus BBQ (1.5 mi)
Gosu Ginger (2.2 mi)
Biney (2.2 mi)
Tangis Khan (3.1 mi)

location: Dexter Training Grounds.

To give you an idea of what it looks like, I guess at some point it looked like this.

We've got varying distances of 2.2 miles and 1.5 miles among the TCRC. All in all, I'd say we covered 10.5 miles total today. It's encouraging that no one has killed me since I barely call what I do teaching or coaching. It didn't all go without a hitch; some ankle tweaks on the inside of the ankle (what is that caused by?) and some not wanting to log miles.

Despite that, running logs have started popping up on which hopefully means that this is a long term goal.

Also, I think that the natives of Dexter Park have never seen 5 adults run together before. Well, this group can only increase at this point.

Questions to ponder:
What type of running shoe would a flat footed person get? Stability, according to googling it

Is it worth getting Nike Frees at a discount if they come in purple?

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