Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 7: St Patrick's Day run

If I was a coach, this would be the day I would have gotten fired. So there must be an addendum to the couch to 5k program, the Nikki addendum.

The alternative couch to 5k program:
While just beginning running, your 5th workout will consist of running downtown to find 2 pints of beer to drink, lose 2 more caucasians in Providence, then run back as a search party and loop back to only find them at home.

runners: Kasey (sans rollerblades), Brian, Kevin, Nikki, Souksanh, and myself. (Knapp ran the Dexter loop)

vintage KOB, forgetting an ID and losing money. and getting (almost) hit by cars

bar: Wild Colonial for some beer

Running, then drinking, then running; only in college.
in the history of my running, most number of cat calls.

Also, two "Are they jogging?" comments from non-sober walkers.

I have two comments:
1) really? Is it A day? Then I'm running. Oh my God, we're NOT drinking today? (although I shouted to one of the groups that we drank, too)
2)Now I understand why runners hate being referred to as 'joggers'. It's such an endearing term. Do you want to know if you are officially a runner? Have someone call you a jogger and gauge your reaction.

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