Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gipper Time

I. Newport Marathon
II. University of North Texas 5k
III. Kevin O'Brien comment of the week
IV. Chilean Miners and running?

As the days trickle down to hours before the first half marathon for 7 members, I wish everyone the best of luck this Sunday.

You guys have shown a lot of character to hammer out miles when there really is no reason to be doing so. (USA Today even noted only 1% run on any given day).

You put in the long runs, figured out what works and what does not on these runs. Read my lips: NO NEW SHOES. Stick with what has been working.

I hate to be cheesy, but all of this hard work for months is the real victory and the 13.1 is the victory lap (albeit a very very long lap).

Some log peeking and I see that Knapp's going to reach the 500 milestone by race end. Nikki is at 250. Kevin just topped 300. Pat, 226. Lauren, 137. Sean out of nowhere busts out 177. You guys are ready.

Side note: seeing the logs go up every week looks pretty neat.

So go enjoy the 13.1. Enjoy the fact we all nudged each other along enough so that you could willingly pay to run 13.1 miles on Sunday morning.

I can't wait to read all about the race to tide me over for my own 13.1 battle.

If the finishing time was right and the course was indeed 5k, my sister just made the female 5k record nearly impossible to break as she smashed her PR by three whole minutes. This coming after a late concert and an early (6:30 AM) race. Who says you need proper rest?

I have to say, Kevin O'Brien is the front runner for oddest comment shouted at with the comparison to Joran Van Der Sloot. Who? Yeah, exactly. And after wikipedia'ing the guy, doesn't even look like him.

From Runner's World, apparently one Chilean Miner ran 10k's underground.

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