Friday, October 8, 2010

Running Thoughts

9 days to Newport
29 days to Dallas

I. Running safety
II. Coyotes
III. Movies, continued
IV. TCRC, the next generation?

In lieu of a recent death at a running trail in Dallas, I would like to say as runners, always be aware of your surroundings and if you are going to use headphones, I highly recommend keeping one ear free. Stay to the right and when passing people, make sure no one is flying behind you.

Running midday on Tuesday in Plano (and apparently South Kingstown, according to Nikki's post) is definitely different. Since 99% of the population is at work or school, I wondered what I would encounter on my run.

  • A coyote
  • An older black guy in a white jump suit talking with his 1 mile voice* on his bluetooth
  • every grandparent with grandkids along the trail

*-don't tell me my elementary school was the only one that promoted 6-inch voices aka the teacher doesn't want us to yell.

I think that I will try to go in to this race conservatively and see where I am at on the last 3.1 miles and let it rip/ drop the proverbial hammer.

Born-again runner watching movies:

  • In Up In The Air, George Clooney has Nike Frees in his luggage.
  • Ferris Bueller ran as fast as his dad's car at the end
  • Running away from birds from The Birds = automatic PR

According to Dr. Estus, the geri class is running to class from Eastward Look, a grand total of 8.2 miles, also known as a training run to most of us, har har. Kidding aside, that is pretty cool. We should start a URI COP 5k race.

1 comment:

  1. Tang, great minds think alike. You are not the first to notice Cloon-tang's Frees in Up in the Air, I mentioned it a few weeks ago while Knapp and I were watching the movie on HBO.

    Also I would like to enter the contest for strangest encounter with a non-runner while running. Earlier this week on the bikepath, some dude stopped me mid-run and proceeded to tell me that I looked just like Joran Van Der Sloot (or to him "that guy who kidnapped that girl on that Carribean Island") . I muttered, "thats not good" (because really what else do you say to something like that) and kept running.
