Friday, October 22, 2010

Thoughts from the Week

I. Snap, Crackle, and Pop

II. Origins of the Team?

III. Watching the ALCS with running goggles

IV. Plano-isms

V. :Forrest voice: Mah mama says...

VI. (half) Marathon Tips

I. Creptius (the fancy schmancy medical term)

Since running more, anyone else feel like they can pop just about any bone in their foot? At this point, I can pop anything in my right foot.

II. In the beginning...

Pat brought up something that I have been thinking about while running. Since I always loved history class, I tried to remember the beginnings of this team. How did it all go down? I know I didn't plead and trick you guys in to running. If anyone would like to fill in the blanks in my head, that would be appreciated. Or, I could just ask you next week LIVE and in person.

III. America's Pastime

I must admit the fantasy baseball league some of you guys participate in (the NKFBL) has finally gotten to me. I have been watching the Rangers since coming back in May and this series has brought up some observations:

1. As a runner, I cringed at Teixeira's hamstring injury

2. Gardner is pretty fast. I wonder what his 5k time is?

3. Nike Frees (the newer ones) were spotted in the Texas dugout.

IV. You Know You Are In Plano When...

-overheard at the jungle gym "she's NOT my girlfriend"

-underage smokers on the trail, because suburban life is SOOO rough

-inflatable Halloween yard decorations (definitely not a Providence thing)


I was going to put this in to words but my mom beat me to the punch. After the long runs, 3 or 4 mile runs seem pretty short. We are now looked at like we are crazy by 99% of the American public.

VI. Long Race Tips

Here's a list taken from the runningahead forum that I (unfortunately) found after you guys raced in RI but I thought the tips were pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if my feet 'pop' more since I've started running...but maybe that will happen later on, since i've only run a littler over 250 miles as compared to your 392439820348398423.32 miles.

    I remember the first time we got together to run. Doing the 3-miler at dexter park. I don't know what exactly triggered it, but I know that I had drunkenly mentioned that I wanted to run with you at one point, and it didn't happen till a couple months later. I think we all started because you wanted us to do the Harpoon 5K together before everyone went their separate ways. So that, according to my horrible memory, was the origins of the Tang clan...but I could be wrong.
