Wednesday, October 6, 2010

♪Runnin' in the Raiiiiinnnn♪

I set out for a 7 mile run this morning at 11am. Made it down my hill and said 'fuck it' because of the rain and ran back up the hill. After an hour, I got antsy and tried it again. 7.6 miles later, and soaked to the bone, I feel great.

Nobody was out on the bike path today. I wonder why?? Could be that it was lunch time in the middle of a work week. Oh yeah, and it was also raining pretty hard out. Guess I'm hardxcore now! (but not really).

Running alone on the SK bike path is a little creepy. Its mostly surrounded by woods, so I was afraid I was going to get attacked by some bobcat or something. Around 2.5 miles, three deer crossed the bike path in front of me. I kind of freaked out for a minute and was like "OH SHIT! Deer!!! I'm gonna die!!" But then I'd realized that there's never been any news stories of people being attacked and killed by deer, so I calmed down. It was actually kind of cool, they stopped and stared at me for a second, then moved on. It was also just a mom with her two little babies...nawwww, kinda Bambi, except I wasn't an asshole and didn't kill his mom.

That reminds me about another time I was running the SK path, only the opposite way. I was almost to the turn around point for my five mile run when out of no where, this cat jumps up right next to me on the post of a fence I was passing and let out a hiss. I freaked out and gave out this really weird, throaty scream and took off in the other direction.

Which brings me to another point. Cats are evil.

So, the run in the rain went well, it was like Blessing of Fleet all over again, soaked, slow pace, but I still enjoyed it. I guess if we get another nor'easter for the half-marathon...I'll be prepared.

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