Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ten Miler

13 days until Newport
34 days until Dallas

I haven't double digit-ed it since March when it was a balmy 40 in Providence (which also left my hamstring messed up). I used today as a mini-preview of the 13.1, wearing what I think I'll have on me at the race (same black shorts, COX 5k tech shirt, Nike gloves with key hole/ GU hole?). For the first two miles, the knees felt a little weird and then all was forgiven under the Spring Creek under pass when an old guy running the other way said "LOOKIN GOOD". Only runners can get away with this to a complete stranger.

Around mile 3, I realized I had never gone ten on this trail so it was all left to the map on runningahead to be correct. My only indicators for turning around was passing Alma Rd. and a baseball diamond after some trees.

Pass the 4th mile, my lower right back felt a bit off and disappeared after the turnaround.

The traffic sounds increased to the point that it hit me; I am next to the major highway (US 75), seeing the sign for Spaghetti Warehouse. Approaching the diamond and seeing businesses near the highway, I realized I needed a miracle. (TMI alert) Luckily, the Plano Parks Dept. planned the trail just for me as what should appear but a bathroom right at the turnaround.

The time had come; GU time. Those Nike gloves have a mini pocket that was big enough to stuff a GU packet in to. Now, I don't know how many have tried this, but I for some reason thought that it would taste like ice cream since I got the mint chocolate chip one. Of course, it came out more like toothpaste in consistency but the taste isn't as bad as what I have read. If anyone uses GUs on the trails, PLEASE throw them away and don't leave them on the water fountains. I saw 3 or 4 wrappers lying around.

After a few swigs of water, I was amazed at finding this part of the park. I love exploring unknown lands on foot (hence my love for Providence and all its randomness). So after I felt overcome with finding "new" land, I hightailed it back.

Whether this GU worked or it was more placebo, I was also worried about any stomach issues that I have also read about. Other than probably worrying it would cause issues, the run went on without a snag.

From mile 8-10, I felt the runner's high and by the time I had returned home and dropped my legs in to a frigid pool (thank the running gods for a cold front), the sense of accomplishment hit me along with feeling like I depleted my whole body of every last drop of energy. I missed that feeling so much. (Runners aren't crazy, right?) And having the need to down 4 pumpkin bagels and watered down Gatorade.

I can already tell that the difference between a 5k and 13.1 miles (other than distance) is that a 5k is more of a physical battle and 13.1 is a test of mental fortitude. 10 without an iPod, I think I am ready to tackle this half.


  1. I'm new to the GU.. I enjoyed the Vanilla Bean one I had the other day. I hear the Chocolate one is pretty good too. I heard about the stomach thing too. I split mine up, I ate half of it at about 45 minutes, then the other half when I had about 3 miles left. That seemed to work well.

  2. Good work tang! is a GU that power gel crap? They give you one of those in the boston marathon right before heartbreak hill, I remember I had orange the first time which was solid and chochlate the second time which was too much, it felt like i was downing a tub of frosting during the race haha, they do seem to do something though, might just be a placebo effect like you said but its noticable.

  3. I got a random comment on my run yesterday too. "Do you like dogs????" I like the "Looking Good!!" much better
