Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: In It For The Long Run

After being set back from obtaining another 100 mile month in December due to being under the weather, I ventured out on New Year's Day for a long run through semi-plowed roads in Providence. The cure for my ails? Chinese food and a Back to the Future marathon with Morissey (the roommate, not the singer).

The running log is a clear slate with no injuries or illnesses on it, only blank spaces for mileage and races/PRs. And to start up the log, 10 miles today...if I keep that up throughout the year, I'd have 3,650 miles, shattering my hope of 1,000 miles. Of course, my knees would coincidentally be shattered.

It was nice to see all the resolutionists (real word?) out on Blackstone Park and the usual runners around Providence.

Whatever the proverbial 'it' is in sports, I think I reclaimed some semblance of my 2009 'it' back on this long run after getting my second wind/ runner's high at around the 90 minute mark.

Tech shirts as a single layer in the cold = red chest and stomach.

Curbs with 3 foot mini-mountains of snow = hurdles on the long run.

Towards the end of the run, I stopped at the Roger Williams statue, half-zoned out, and noticed a top layer of ice with water trickling underneath. My mind was playing tricks on me because I thought it was the scene from TMNT when the 4 turtles were scurrying under the sewers. Yeah, it was that kind of a day for my run.

For whatever reason, when I run I develop some 'tude and could really care less about what people in a car or walkers yell at me as I deploy the Pacino 'Taxi Driver' "you talkin' to me?" scowl. It's strange because it happens in no other circumstance.

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