Monday, January 31, 2011

Running with Knapp and Kevin

While buying random stuff for the apartment, I get a text (and missed calls--thanks phone) which basically said to run.

1/2 hour later, I have my new Nike Storm-Fit jacket, gloves, and shorts (that have a butt pocket?), with coffee in hand to meet up with the Ashton Mills part of the team to form a hybrid trifectah group, made of two older models of pharmacy trifectah groups. Due to the dumping of snow each week in January, the run was met without a path at Blackstone. Detouring through the Blackstone Conservancy Park, I learned that I need to practice my look out skills as some of us had nature on speed dial pre-run.

Kevin: That's a nice expensive house.
Knapp: Yea, for me to pee on.

and the retort, "isn't it?" after Kevin's thoughts was comedic genius.

As we traversed the streets through Blackstone, we turned right before the Pawtucket line in to a nice neighborhood that I will definitely have to run through more often. Today's run just felt great, due to what? Not sure, but maybe the new gear, the sophomoric witty banter (including an observation about a big white van that Knapp and I rode in earlier in the week to Duxbury and Wrentham for the new Nike gear), or just being able to run outside really helped. And now that the Brown U co-eds are back, I may have to start running up and down College Hill more after seeing the kids back during the Chipotle run.

Treadmill-itis symptoms: forgetting to wear a stop watch while running outside.

We're not in Texas any more: seen, snowshoers in Blackstone Park.

Sunday was "try to get run over by a car" day in Cumberland. Running hills and getting my butt kicked only motivates me more to run the hills of Prov. Bonus: get sprayed on a la Shamu by a truck that may or may not have been on purpose, depending on who you ask.

Knapp quandary of the day: Do you nod or wave to fellow runners?

Thanks to the back-to-back runs with the comedic duo and great weather, I reached a new high; 122.9 miles for the month.

Complimented on my running log, I checked Knapp's log. I totally forgot there was an option to show streaking. It even shows past streaks. 111 days during my younger, dumber years of running at max effort for ~3 miles a day. I got hurt? I wonder why...

Next pair to break the Nike monotony:

New Balance Minimus :drools:

In other news, am I really excited in anticipating a new running shoe? I need to get a life.

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