Tuesday, January 25, 2011

multiple choice, ghosts, sign of the times, and Jeff Foxworthy jokes

I need some advice from you guys. I just got a 25% off coupon from Road Runner Sports and was wondering what pair I should get to shore up the running line-up for the year.
a) Nike LunaRacer+ (grey/lime green)
b) double up on the Pegasus's (white/blue)
c) Nike Free Run+
d) use the 2nd Nike Free 5.0's that I stashed away (Saving it? why in the world would someone do that?)
e) other_____________
f) or buy a new set of shorts, gloves, and a running jacket at the Nike store at the request of Knapp.
g) all the above

For those of you in pharmacy, pick the most correct choice. F is true.

For all those that run with me (and the random people at the apartment gym), you can thank Knapp for getting me to buy a 2nd pair of running shorts, leaving less to the imagination.

phantom pulse: as I was warming up on the treadmill, no hands on the heart rate sensors, the things just randomly pick up an HR of 170...maybe our hearts get so strong from running, it triggers the handheld monitors?

My scrubs for work are a size small... and they are baggy. Today's standards gone awry or am I really a twig?

You know you are a runner when...

-a black and white Prefontaine picture is framed in the living room.

-a bib is framed.

-you have multiple pairs of running gloves.

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