Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Training, Treadmills and TV

As we continue through the "off-season" of running, I hope we are all stockpiling easy miles before training starts for (fill-in-the-blank race). I personally will start in February since the Providence Half is May 1st. The countdown on that site has already started; 102 days out.

While I bashed treadmills last year (noted as "dreadmills"), I see that if you have one, it is pretty nice to have it when there is ice and snow hurdles afoot.

As I left the parking lot at 6:30 am after shoveling and being bundled in 26 layers of clothes, I drove up to the stop sign and saw two runners traversing the neighborhood. I bow down to your dedication (and lack of treadmill availability).

You're a runner if...

I rewound Up in the Air just to see the Nike Frees George Clooney (aka Cloontang) puts in his suitcase.

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