Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DRC Half Marathon Pictures

Those photographers are catching on that I just screen shot their pics so they have thrown on more text.

I like how the girl who took off her jacket had to put it on herself for picture ID'ing.

Confusing beginning Muslce Milk arch that was NOT the finish

The actual finish line with the Wood part of the Wood Tang Clan. What scares me is the fact that I do not remember seeing cars at the finish line or anything for that matter.

Heather sporting the half-Hilliard.

The full-Hilliard.

The Nixon finish

Half-Hilliard (look what you did to all the photos, Nikki)


  1. congrats to everyone! Ya'll look really good! 'Specially the half and full-Hilliard photos :) lol

    PS your tech shirts are WAYYYYY better than ours...JEALOUS!

  2. p.p.s The Nixon pose probably tops the Hilliard pose IMO. Maybe I'll incorporate that into my next run ;)
