Friday, November 12, 2010

Thoughts from the Week

Karma, Trophies, The "off-season"

To rectify leaving my sister at mile 3 and the subsequent pacing roller coaster I was on, I decided to pick up her award for taking 3rd in her age group. Turns out the only award left was a 2nd place award which is actually pretty sweet looking:

I peeked at the 5k awards and they look the same. Now, if I was a trophy hunter, my best bet would be to enter in to the DRC 5k. I think all 5 of us could've placed. If I was a trophy hunter.

Again, I am proud of everyone for their half marathon finishes. At the half way point, I thought to myself, Why in the heck am I running 13.1 miles? It took a lot of hard work for everyone to reach the finish line.

After 12 weeks preparing for the 13.1 miler, a lot of thoughts are swimming through my mind on what is next for everyone and myself.

I think there's a 5k at the end of November that should be do-able and then from there, I think I am going to go against the popular decision (Tang do something unorthodox? Go on) and run another 13.1 in the spring/ early summer time. Arbitrarily, I do not feel confident mentally in tackling a 26.2 until I meet my personal 5k and 13.1 goals.

Where's everyone going from here?


  1. Tang - first of all no one cares if you are confident mentally for Boston - you are running it.

    There's a 5k this weekend for me... going to go for a PR, shouldn't be too hard considering my bar is so damn low.

    Aside from that I think we discussed maybe doing the New Bedford Half in March as preparation for Boston. And pathetically enough I already have the rest of the year pretty much planned too.

  2. ....also if it makes you feel any better, you and me could run it together at my slow-as-a-snail pace
