Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Week that was ... Snolphin Week

Snolphins(?!?), Flying Aluminum Cans, Shoe Envy, Providence and Cumberland

You can stop checking milk cartons to see if I am missing, the longest lay off from the blog ends here for me. (Do they still put missing people on milk cartons?) You would think there would be a ton of material, but like Guns N Roses's album Chinese Democracy, the most I can muster is nothing but an inside joke:

Anyone sane: What are you drawing?
Tang: A snolphin.
Anyone sane: What's a snolphin?
Tang: It's pretty much my least favorite animal. It's like a snail and dolphin mixed... bred for its skills in awkward.
[stolen from 2004's Tour de Force masterpiece, Napoleon Dynamite]

Oh right, this is a running blog.

While my trip back up to the northeast was closer to training for college more so than my first half marathon (punctuated by Kobe Burgers and a bath tub/ cooking pot filled with iced water fit for domestic beverages or a long run), it definitely lifted my spirits for the upcoming race.

What I did see pertaining to running, I could barely recognize since the same people from 5 months back, Knapp, Sean, Nikki, and Kevin quickly transformed in to runners with Pat and his team leading 1:39 as quick as ever (Lauren, one-time blog poster, showed me she could high-five). Proof: butterfly and half marathon medals, half marathon advice (looks like no clam chowder beforehand), rivalries, Andy Bernard shirts, blood blisters, talks about Kenyan marathoners, gait analysis, Boston talk, and an apartment littered in running paraphernalia. It may be tough to see improvement from day to day, but with almost half a year, it is safe to call each other runners.

RI Itinerary

Day 1: consisted of the longest running conversation I have ever had to this point with Knapp while running around Providence's highlights in light rain a couple minutes after arrival.

Day 2: Running Blackstone with Sean and Nikki with the leaves changing color rather than the 90 degree weather is a nice change.

Day 3: running Prov again with Knapp, Kevin, and Nikki, selling the idea of returning through running Providence.

Day 4: The Pat, Kevin, Knapp trio pushing the pace with Sean and Tang as the caboose of the group. Sean collects a compliment from a kid saying to his dad that he thought all our shoes were cool.

Day 5: Sunday's Halloween jog on Mendon Road where I got a warm New England welcoming gift; a can hurled at Knapp and myself. I also thought, this duo, responsible for a bevy of beer pong wins, has now transformed in to runners. Who knew?

Knapp has taken this running and (no pun intended) run with it. Library of running books, up to date on the elites, GPS watch (I'm jealous), a shrine of bibs, running whenever (proven by the stacked log), and Kinvara oranges = too much awesome (@5:30) especially on Thayer St. In short, the student has become the teacher. Knapp has THE Jack Daniels running bible down pat, so I elect to move Knapp up to coach status.


  1. That is an awesome snolfin, it looks just like her hahaha.

    It was great running with coach tang, and the group as a whole, its always more fun to run with people, I dont think I've run in a group like that since high school, good stuff!

    Knapp has really taken the running thing and run with it, he's determinted to get better and better and I like it. Pumped to have some team mates for Boston! I vote Knapp Assistant TO the Coach (Manager)

    How'd the interviews go? We need Tang to return for good asap.

  2. btw the snolfin is great, but it's the 2nd best animal combo after the sharktopus, FACT.
