Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tang's Triumphant Return to RI

I hadn't run in over a week since the half marathon, so it's a good thing Coach Tang decided to visit RI to come run with us. After a delicious breakfast at Nick's on Broadway we headed over to Blackstone to run with Nikki. It was a beautiful day, very warm for the end of October. We just ran to the end of the path and back for a total of 3.3 miles. Nobody brought a watch but we probably ran at about a 10 minute mile pace. I remember the first time I ran at Blackstone back in May when I struggled to finish even at a 12:00 pace, it's nice to see that I've made some progress in the past couple months. Then on Saturday Tang, Knapp, Kevin, Pat, and I went for a 5 mile run on the bike path. We ran together for the first mile or so, but then Pat, Kevin, and Knapp picked up the pace and zoomed off into the distance. Tang kindly stayed back with me at about a 10 minute mile pace. The best part of the run was when we were walking back into Kevin and Knapp's apartment and a little kid said to his dad, "whoa they have cool shoes!!!" That's like the 19th compliment I've gotten on my neon lazer green Nike Lunar Glides after getting them a couple weeks ago. Awesome running shoes are definitely one of the best parts of running, I can't wait to get another pair. It's been good to run after some time off, but we're gonna have to find another race to train for, with the half marathon behind us I need more motivation to go out and run everyday.


  1. Seaaaaannnnnn!!!!! What uuuup? lol

    is this your first ever post?! if so, AWESOME!!!!

    Speaking of other races, I think the plan is to do the Jingle 5K, so thats something to keep us motivated! :)

  2. is that the one in somerville ma?

  3. no, i have to work that day anyways, so I think I'm going to do the one at the Mews instead, it looks pretty awesome
