Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is the definition of family?


What is the definition of family?

Webster's dictionary defines family as (boring speech/essay format of defining a word blah blah blah)

Thanks to new blood in to running, Knapp found out family can mean 5 people living on Grant Street. Before you say "awwwwww", this loop hole could get 5 people in to a race for 30 bucks.
(imagine fisher/ a surfer saying this) That is OBSCENE.

The race director may question the different last names...

The team faces another hurdle; Sean needs your help to find someone to cover his CVS shift the day of the race.

I don't usually go in to my own run but if you ever thought that you feel like you can't run(barring injury), just think; when would you have ever associated me with "up at 5 am" and "run"? Since I haven't run before the sun since summer and my VA rotation, I forgot how much you start hallucinating and turning trees in to people.
-running in the AM is eerie enough but when it's in a city, it is surreal
-without an iPod and dead silence, my breathing pattern sounds like I'm getting shot in Goldeneye for the first mile/ waking up

The rare video game based on a movie that didn't suck:

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