Sunday, April 11, 2010

After the Andy Birthday celebration

What did Kevin do this week? Who won Runner of the Week honors?

Blackstone to Rhode Runner to Home
Blackstone has a distinct, pungent salmon/semen (protamine sulfate if I may) smell.

shorter course:
Kevin (Free 7.0)
Nikki (Free 5.0)

long course:
Knapp (Sauconys)
Sri (NB)
Tang (NB)

Blackstone has a resident blazing fast hottie. This'll add more miles due to the carrot on the stick phenomenon. Running, where fast women are acceptable. Kara Goucher has been replaced as the woman I'd marry if I had a running career by the sports bra-wearing runner at Blackstone. Who is she? You'd know if you saw her.

Sorry, bottled water-toting 2009 Lisbon Half Marathon winner Kara Goucher

With the biggest leap in mileage/week, questioning why we aren't running, wondering where the next run is, dragging me out at 10:30 to run 5 miles and dominate hills, it's no secret that Sri made a huge leap and takes the Runner of the Week award.
Knapp, doing the same as Sri and being the winner last week, can't win two weeks in a row similar to coach of the year honors in the NBA. Why? Just because.
The number of thumbs up and honks from cars has escalated. Whether mocking or actually a pat on the back, who knows? I'm hoping we are all too enthralled with our iPods and not paying attention.

This isn't violating any privacy laws (I hope), but as far as the forms that you guys fill out to register, Kevin O'Brien goes vintage for the best answer:

Question 5: Why did you select this event?
Answer 5: Because Tang said to

These kids even have spitting while running down after a month; these kids are quick learners.

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