Sunday, April 4, 2010

T minus 4 weeks

With the gang all back, the trail was this: go up broadway, go up washington, hit blackstone (the actual park), hit the blackstone trail, past 44's house, down hope st, up congdon to check out the statue, and back.

Knapp (Saucony)
Nikki (Nike)
Sri (New Balance)
Tang (Nike)

2.5 hrs.
roughly 3.4 miles was running.

what did we find out?
-put money in your bra
-mouth wash is imperative for running in a group
-if there is a cute chick, speed up even if you are injured. scratch that, because you are injured.
-if someone says "I woke up in the morning feeling..." you have to finish with" like p diddy"

and the first ever Pre Award of the Week goes to Knapp for dominating the Providence hills, surpassing Brian's mileage, and showing a huge leap in improvement; what's in the Maine water? Back to back double digit mileage weeks. (Logs don't lie) Seriously though, I hope the huge secret he let out of the bag catches on; running is mostly mental.

Runner-up (pun not intended) goes to Sri and her Prefontaine-esque lack of compassion for her sickness and willingness to run through it.

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