Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 days out

Cox Rhode Races has an odd promotion today; FIND OUT YOUR BIB NUMBER!
This is what happens when you have 1,100 people signed up for the 5k. Bib numbers are now events.

Also, while ctrl + F'ing to find my bib number, I saw another runner that had RN slapped on to the end of their last name. Because of karma and me pointing this out, this person will run faster than me.

With 3 days left, this looks like the plan for the race.

Picking up packets/ bibs at 5 and running after.

Walking the course

meeting at our house at 9 am. Talk, go to the bathroom, etc. Maybe eat a small breakfast/ meal of food before? (bananas, bagels, water) Walk down to the race around 10. Warm up around 10:45, race at 11:15.

Seen in Providence:
"Our Box is Open!" sign next to a building
If you want to see any medical team you rounded with on rotation, head to black stone

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