Sunday, April 25, 2010

One week left

Right around now, we'll be finishing this race next week. With one week left, what are some simple tips to get you to the race at your best?

I employ the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

get enough sleep every night
wear the clothes that you have been running in the most and lay it out the night before
eat the same things you know your stomach is accustomed to; running with stomach pains is not a good idea

break in new shoes
increase mileage this week
carb load
try a new way of running
be that guy at the front of the line who burns out after 1 mile and walks the rest of the way

Remember, for many of us this is our first race so no matter what, your finishing time IS your new PR (Personal Record)
and even though I broke everyone in to groups, the less you think about trying to meet some arbitrary goal, the better; after all, Prefontaine said it best "A lot of people run a race to see who's fastest. I run to see who has the most guts". That's all I care about; if you can tell me you tried your hardest, I'm proud of the effort you put out.

We are all an experiment of one in running. Hopefully everyone will learn a lot from this experience and :crosses fingers: continues to run; if not, there is no pressure to.

oh as a bonus, it would be amazing if the people on this team sent in a race report about this race; it would be really interesting to see the different vantage points of the same race from 18 different pairs of eyes

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