Saturday, April 24, 2010

Line Ups

Doing my own 'corral system' of sorts, I think that our team is roughly broken down in to these ranges (correct me if i am wrong with your range; I'd hate to be in a group that's not in my range so let me know)
I figure these groups can pace each other during the race.

18-20 window: Pat
20-22 window: -
22-25 window: Kevin, Souksanh, Tang, Bober, Chris's GF, Tyler
25-28 window: Lauren, Brian, Jess
28-30 window: Knapp, JRad, Sean, C Barks, Andrea
32-35 window: Nikki, Sri, Lynda

Again, I'll pick up the packets for anyone on the team who can't go to Providence before the race.

To avoid paying for parking, everyone can park at our house.

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