Friday, April 30, 2010

Packet Day

Blackstone easy day:
Tang (Free 5)
Brian (NB Zip)
Jess (Nike)
Nikki (Free 5)
Knapp (Saucony)
Sri (NB)

New Nike Free Run+ 5.0s are up on
-from a purely aesthetic viewpoint, I'm glad I bought another round of v4

Packet pick up: brings me back to summers before high school; holy crap, that was a decade ago.
Thanks to Jess driving Nikki, Brian, and myself to the mall for packets at Westin aka GI Joe Convention central.
Copied down 16 numbers, passed them to the annoyed volunteers for 16 bibs and shirts.

As we were picking up for a party of 16, a girl asked nicely what our team name was and we embarrassingly mentioned it was Tang Clan. What team was she on? Politely, said a team of 50 ... RISD kids.

Who are our new rivals?
RISD team.

The technical shirts were a bit perplexing to us since it was all black and it is getting warmer. After wearing it though, I think the team agrees technical shirts > shirts, just.

Thankfully, as I believe Brian pointed out, Dick's Sporting Goods did not partner with Cox for this race. That shirt would not be street legal.

And it's apparently National Runner's Month?

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