Sunday, August 22, 2010

No Answer For The Heat

The first "long" run of my half plan called for 5 today. My 5 mile trail runs through my 5k trail so I think instinctively I was going faster than I should have. For a segment, I got to use two kid bicyclists as pacers and passed them when they walked their bikes. The little one, probably only 6, said "that's humiliating." This was funny at the time but would prove to be foreshadowing for the rest of the run.

Forgive me, the 2009 version of Aaron Tang, for I took 6 walk breaks. Six.
Your welcome, the 2010 version of my cardiovascular system, we almost went anaerobic.

And at each stop, I had to douse myself in ice cold water. Yeah, I carried a frozen water bottle 5 miles and understand now why people buy the strapped bottles.

Since I'm not in a college atmosphere any more, I can't roll my IT band with a used Madeiran wine bottle and will have to get a foam roller and more frozen bags of vegetables.

Whatever speed I was running at was just a tad too fast for my aerobic capacity. I hope that this is due to the heat and weather and not something more. Today's 4.91 was harder than the 12 I ran in Rhode Island earlier this year. Psychologically, it's frustrating when you know you could do this easily 3 months ago yet now, I may have to call in a sports psychologist a la Kara Goucher.

Also, Google maps and runningahead disagree; I get 5 miles for the former, 4.91 for the latter. FYI, be sure to map your runs BEFORE thinking you did 5.

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