Thursday, August 19, 2010

Long Time, No Post

It’s been a while since my last post but I haven’t really had much to say, a little update on the half training…

These past few weeks the trainings has picked up in terms of miles and intensity. Lauren, who was a little slow to belive she could run these distances in the beginning has really turned it on in the past few weeks. After a botched attempt to run 6 miles about a month ago she refocused and has been doing all of the training runs, including pwning a 7 miler this past Saturday. We busted out 4 yesterday which used to be tough for her and she was barely sweating at the end so I’m proud of the progress she’s making. We’ll be undertaking 8 miles this Saturday before our cookout so it’ll be interesting to see how she handles another run that’s the longest she’s ever done, I’m sure she’ll handle it swimmingly.

Two other side notes, along with the fact that Laurens been hitting the trails hard, with the new confidence she’s gained she said she’s fine with me running the race without her. Our original plan was to run together so I could push her along but now she thinks she can handle it mentally and I’m free to give it a go. I decided I’d like to beat 1:45, an hour 45 is 8 min mile pace, I think I can keep that pace and bust out some 7:30’s for the last few miles and beat it, I kept up the 8 min mile pace during the Disney marathon only to hit a HUGE wall at the 21 mile mark and fall back to 8:15 pace overall.

Speaking of marathons, my dad’s friend is on the number search, I told him we needed 4 of them (KOB, Knapp, Tang) He said he’ll keep me posted.

I ordered some copied p90x dvd’s the other day and have been mixing a few of their workouts in each week over the last 2 weeks, shits tough. I highly recommend them, they’re great because you don’t spend any time just sitting around, you’re constantly moving for the whole 50 minutes and feel like you got your monies worth at the end.

Keep up the good work everyone!

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