Monday, August 2, 2010

Teammates and LunarGlides

Running faux pas: I actually left the house minus a stop watch. I even knew my wrist felt light leaving for my first run of the day with Greg, the new recruit. Since we run pre- and post-sun rise, my neon green Lunar Glides hid in the cloak of darkness then once a sliver of light shone through, glow in the dark shoes radiating green popped up.

Also, don't rock climb before a race. My whole body is still sore 2 days after the fact.

Came back and ran with JoAnn, Heather, and Lisa through the neighborhood which quickly turned in to a race. Most people waved or said good morning. If I'm running and I make the effort to do these two things and you are walking, I think you could at least extend a hand or say "morning" back.

I can't wait to get my speed back in three months; I'm starting from square one again.

My review of the Nike Lunar Glides: semi-inconclusive since I was half asleep. They definitely feel pretty light for a shoe that offers more cushioning. My legs definitely noticed a different pair of shoes other than the ones I've been using because it felt a bit awkward running in them. My left toes hurt but that may be my own foot's problem and not the shoe. Hopefully after a couple days, they'll be broken in.

Also, Heather's teammate from XC is at a Nike camp at Hayward Field. Rubbing elbows with the ghost of Bowerman and Prefontaine.

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