Monday, August 23, 2010

week 2

Tang, H

PM Runners:
Tangs A,L and JoAnn

I think that the running gods payed me back for the bankrupt run on Sunday. Today, the run (albeit only 5 kilos) was a 180. The cute infestation of rabbits around the neighborhood actually were the rabbits to my run, keeping my pace up. Who knew that if you had great rest, stretched, and worked out that it would lead to a great run?


Tempo run at 1 PM in Texas. August 25th, 2010, 73 degrees with no sun. :slow claps:

And now, the 3 X 3k relay is back on. I can't even come up with something like this team name: The Wood-Tang Clan team this Saturday at 8. As the probable anchor, I hope to break my old PR from last December despite today's tempo run.

Running Thoughts:

Is it too hard to ask everyone who has foliage that spills out on to the sidewalk to, oh I don't know, TRIM it every once in a while? I mean I understand I am 6 feet tall so I have to limbo every 400 meters, but you would have to be shorter than 5 feet to clear some of these natural limbo poles.

A fellow runner made mention of the fact some people look at us as if we were crazy. My answer?

I'll let you in on a secret; as long as you are running, people will think you are crazy until the zombie apocalypse comes to fruition.

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