Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lunar Glides Review, Part II

I. New Poll: RI versus TX
II. Lunar Glide Review: Second Impression

There's a poll up on that idea that sprang to my mind (not sure if you can read the choices; highlight them to show it)
Team Rhode Island vs. Team Texas. Add up everyone's times and whoever is fastest gets a small prize from the other team's region, kind of like the Super Bowl teams' mayors betting their region's stereotypical item against each other. You've got until the end of the month to voice your opinion.

Tang (Nike Lunar Glide+)

Thanks to my lack of motivation to get up at the crack o' dawn, I have been running at 9 pm to avoid triple digits, getting only mid 90s instead. My second go around with the radioactive Lunar Glides is a better one since I have just come to whatever stage acceptance is for starting over instead of staying in denial and pushing the pace (for training). After all, Pre wanted to see who had the most guts at the race, not running 3.1 easy. Any ways, I may just be used to the minimal cushion shoes that are in my collection but the Lunar Glides have excellent cushion and are insanely light. They get a thumbs up from me. If I had to pick between my NB 904s and these Lunar Glides for the half, I'd go with the Lunars.

Going back to training:
1. Please don't stop running for a month (minus injury or sickness). You lose a lot coming back. At least run three times a week. That's the equivalent of 3 episodes/week.
2. Easy runs mean easy. If you can't breathe, that is not easy. If you can run at this pace for an hour, that's pretty easy.

Internationally, tomorrow at 7pm, it's BOLT v. GAY, Solinsky in the 5k, and Oregon alum Andrew Wheating on Universal Sports. Should be some great running.

And finally I have gotten around to flipping through the 2003-2009 back catalog of Runner's World (courtesy of Kasey's Dad and much to the dismay of my printer which didn't make the cut for the drive back home). I was reading an article and thought, that sounds about right. Paraphrasing, they said Dean Karnazes, (ultramarathon man), has run so much that the only way he stops is not due to injury or conditioning but due to the lack of energy (food). It almost reads like a Chuck Norris joke.

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