Monday, August 16, 2010

Step 1 of the Half Marathon Plan

82 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes, 54 seconds until the big race
I. Half-Marathon: Day 1
II. The Mythical Endorphin
III. For Your Listening Pleasure

I've finally picked the plan for my half, the Hal Higdon intermediate plan (just in time for day 1). The Hal Higdon intermediate plan (which may get bumped to beginner plan depending on weather) has the first day listed as a rest day/ strength training day (loving this plan). Thanks to an acronym-named exam Wednesday, I'll have to shift my schedule down one day.

I read in my ginormous collection of magazines that the endorphins from running aka the runner's "high" (<- I love how they always put high in quotes for running mags) is similar to the highs that people get when taking illegal drugs. What is crazy is that the longer you have been running, the more you can tap in to this well of endorphins but as for people on illicit drugs, we all know they are chasing that first high but it only gets worse and worse. If only someone would tell the general public this for an anti-drug campaign.

And on a musical kick lately, here's some more music for your runs:
Hotly anticipated albums:
Mark Ronson's Record Collection (you can find the songs, "Bang Bang Bang" and "Lose It")
KiD CuDi's Man on the Moon II ("Mr. Rager" and "Mojo So Dope")

and if you decide to hit a club up in 2010 or have been watching Jersey Shore, you'll likely hear this:
Far East Movement-Like A G6

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