Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Training Run

It's been a while since I posted on something other than a race. Today I wanted to do a long run, but I went outside and it was pretty hot, so I decided to go on the treadmill. I ran about 7 miles on the treadmill.. the only things holding me back from more was the 60 minute time limit ( I was getting sick of upping my speed and cooldown time) and the boredom of running on a treadmill. I felt good though. My weekly mile totals for the last month or so have been pathetic, so I really need to get back on my game.

On another note, I just finished another running book that I want to recommend to everyone. It's Once a Runner by John Parker. It's a fictional book about a nasty college runner trying to break 4 minutes in the mile back in like the 70's or something. Everyone says its the best fictional book about running, and it didn't disappoint. It was pretty motivating throughout. When they talk about their training runs it absolutely boggles my mind. Running like 18 miles daily at 5:40 (easy!) pace...running like 160 a week with intense intervals multiple times. The descriptions of the races, especially the final one, had me immediately looking for more races to sign up for. Everyone, especially Tang, read it ASAP.

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